- 软件大小:1.9MB
- 更新日期:2020-12-29
- 软件语言:简体中文
- 软件授权:国产软件
- 软件热度:条
- 官方网站:暂无
- 适用平台:WinAll/
#160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160; In order to distribute Adobe Flash Player you need to have a valid Adobe Flash Player Distribution License Agreement in place. Click here for details.
On this page you will find information about your license and the Flash Player installation packages for your use. Use the installers to distribute Flash Player to your end-users.
Your license term is one (1) year from the date you accepted the agreement. You must apply for a new license before the end of that term should you wish to renew. You will receive a reminder email at the address you provided 30 day prior to the expiration.Adobe Flash Player(9.0和10.0版本)和Adobe Reader/Acrobat 9.x的authplay.dll中存有一个凶险的网络安全问题,这一高风险系统漏洞会造成 崩溃,也是有很有可能会被网络黑客运用开展远程控制编码进攻。
#160;#160;#160; 日前Adobe按期为Windows、Mac和Linux系统软件Flash Player 9和10版本公布了升級补丁。Adobe Flash Player及更早版本用户可从官方网下载管理中心下载10.0.32.18,或在线升级获得补丁;针对没法升級至Adobe Flash Player 10的用户,Flash Player 9和9.0.246.0用户能够到这儿下载补丁。针对Adobe AIR 1.5.1及更早版本的用户,则能够到Adobe AIR下载管理中心下载补丁。