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版本: 2.7.0

大小: 144.5MB

语言: 简体中文

分类: 工具

授权: 免费软件

更新: 2020-12-24

系统: iphone/ipod/

“SOUL FIT provides runners with real-time voice coaching function to maximize their running efficiency and minimize the risk of injury. The voice coaching function is based on the biomechanics data collected instantly from each run. And the data does not only include step counts, distance, speed and time, but also every aspect of your running motion with SOUL FIT and compatible earphones from SOUL.

Pair your compatible SOUL earphones with Beflex BiomechEngine? to your smartphone to start tracking your run. [1]

SOUL FIT delivers professional features to runners from different levels:

- Real-time voice coaching function to improve your running efficiency and minimize injury risk, based on various GAIT Analysis parameters (Cadence, Head angle, vertical oscillation, shock, step width and symmetry)
- Track and review your running activity (Distance, pace, speed, time, calories, step count, cadence and altitude)
- Analyze and review your running form (Head angle, vertical oscillation, flight-stance ratio, step width/ length)
- Analyze and review your injury risk (Shock, maximum force, leg stiffness, symmetry, consistency)
- Share your workout data with Apple Health app.

SOUL FIT will train you to be your best running coach!

[1] Compatible devices with SOUL FIT can be viewed in https://www.soulelectronics.com/
Disclaimer: SOUL earphone with Beflex BiomechEngine? is required in order to use SOUL FIT for tracking your run.”

UI updates and Minor bug fixes.